Specialist Sports Facilities

Wirral Youth Zone Rooftop MUGA

 The Scheme

SELSports is a nominated sub-contractor for the Onside Youth Zones Framework projects for rooftop sports surface installations. OnSide Youth Zones is a charity with one simple aim to build a network of 21st Century Youth Clubs, giving young people, safe and inspiring places to go in their leisure time. As such SEL installed a rooftop 3G pitch on the first floor of the Wirral Youth Zone project in Birkenhead.

The Solution

In order to meet the tight programme schedule for the project the SELSports sub-base replacement system was pre-panelled into 3 unit panels with a galvanised mild steel edge detail along one side for the perimeter and 9 unit panels for the central area of the pitch. This off-site prefabrication allowed the 574m2 sub-base of the pitch comprising heavy duty geotextile, gravel regulating layer and 85mm SELSports units to be installed in 4 days.

Another innovative feature on this project was the fencing system. To maintain the roofing manufacturer’s warranty, the roofing’s waterproof system could not be perforated. To achieve this SELSports redesigned the fence post system, toa bespoke fencing system secured to the surrounding steelwork, projecting across with SHS posts and angle irons. The system was installed without any issues, including the gate posts which were hung from free standing intermediate posts.

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SELSports Division, Canal House, Bonsall Street, Blackburn, BB2 4DD. 
T: 01254 589987  E: info@selenvironmental.com